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Microsoft Headquarters and Corporate Offices.

See all Microsoft Headquarter’s phone numbers, contact details and corporate office addresses.

The corporate headquarters, also know as the Microsoft Redmond campus, encompasses over 8 million ft2 (750,000 m2) of office space and has 30,000-40,000 employees.

Additional offices can be found in Bellevue and Issaquah. Microsoft is planning to expand their headquarter around 25% in 2017.

Microsoft Headquarters Contact Info.

If you want to contact the Microsoft Headquarters by mail, then you need to address all correspondence to:

Microsoft Corporate Office Address:

1 Microsoft Way,

Redmond, Washington 98052,

United States


Microsoft Visitors Center Address.

The Microsoft Visitor Center can reached at:

Microsoft Visitor Center

15010 NE 36th St. Redmond, WA 98052

United States


Microsoft Headquarters Phone Number:

Microsoft Corporate Office Number: +1-425-882-8080

Microsoft Corporate Office Fax Number: +1-425-706-7929

Microsoft Visitor Center phone number:  +1-425-703-6214.


Mircrosoft Flagship Store.

Microsoft largest store is located at:

Microsoft Store – Fifth Avenue

677 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022,

United States

Hours:  9AM–9PM

Phone Number: +1 212-824-3100


Microsoft Investor Relations Contacts.

Microsoft Investors Relations: E-mail: [email protected]

Microsoft Investors Relations Phone Number:

(800) 285-7772 (United States)
(425) 706-4400 (International)

Microsoft Investors Relations Address:

Investor Relations Department
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, Washington 98052-6399


Microsoft Executive Team and Key Leaders.

The key leaders at the Microsoft headquarters include:

Satya Madella – Chief Executive Officer

Lisa Brummel – Executive Vice President

Chris Capossela – Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President

Scott Guthrie – Executive Vice President

Amy Hood – Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

Qi Lu – Executive Vice President

Terry Myerson – Executive Vice President

Mark Penn – Executive Vice President

Eric Rudder – Executive Vice President

Harry Shum – Executive Vice President

Brad Smith – Executive Vice President

Kirill Tatarinov – Executive Vice President

B. Kevin Turner – Chief Operating Officer


The Microsoft Board of Directors.

Steven Ballmer

Dina Dublon

William Gates III

Maria Klawe

David Marquardt

G. Mason Morfit

Satya Madella

Charles Noski

Dr. Helmut Panke

John Thompson


Microsoft Brands and Trademarks.

Microsoft owns the following brand names :

  • Microsoft
  • MSN
  • Zune
  • Outlook
  • Xbox
  • Yahoo
  • Bing
  • Skype
  • Windows.
  • Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS)
  • DirectX
  • Microsoft Office System and Microsoft Works
  • Microsoft Windows Server
  • MSN TV
  • Microsoft SLPS
  • Virtual PC
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Microsoft SideWinder
  • Microsoft Business Solutions
  • Microsoft Word
  • Nokia – a phone company
  • Skype
  • Rareware – video game development studio
  • 343 Industries – Video game developer, Halo series.
  • Mojang – a video game developer, Minecraft
  • Turn 10 Studios – Video Game development studio
  • Microsoft Studios – Video game development studio
  • Havok – Video Game physics engine.
  • CBS Interactive – Blogging platform
  • LinkedIn

Microsoft Jobs.

Microsoft has started a Jobs Search portal that lets you search for jobs in all countries and professions.

To search for a Microsoft Job offering, please visit Microsoft Job Search.

Microsoft Resources.

Microsoft Visitor Center

Microsoft Investors relations

Microsoft News Center

Microsoft Careers and Jobs

33 thoughts on “Microsoft Headquarters

  1. Have Linked-in reopen Vivek’s account.
    His opinions are NOT violent, hatefilled or misinformation!!!
    Linked-in is WRONG to shut down free speech !!!

  2. There was NO Heat in the Philadelphia Store as of Saturday, 2 Feb. 2019. People were working with hat, gloves scarves etc. I spent almost a $1,000. last week. I no shop Macys no more if no heat.

  3. I was subject to a Microsoft scam. Cannot even get any department or person at any Microsoft location to answer my call. You need more telephone operators taking calls, to say the least. I will be filing a lawsuit against you unless someone answers my phone call soon. This waiting is ridiculous. You have thousands of employees but you can’t answer the phone?

  4. Microsoft keep declaring it gave me a $85.37 refund they only refunded $26.68 and keep telling me to check my account to see I got it it never hit my bank I have never in 7 yrs ive banked with my bank that ive had this issue I explained to them it was money for food and that I have 2 children I have to care for and didnt have an additional $85.37 that my son never had my permission to spend a say after I spent $26.68 and $5.33 I just want my $58.69 that was never refunded.

  5. Microsoft is run by idiots and momos. Skype is trying to inform me that my password that I have had for 7-8 years and recently used, is not valid.
    Cannot get to anybody at MS, fax number listed is not good, and creating a MS account to try and get codes sent to rectify this diasater do not work.
    And how do you get your money back; now or when you close the account when yo are 87 years old and do not need it?

  6. Microsoft premium support — you would think that purchasing this package and having established an open case #, one would have expedite access to 1. higher level tecnical support when 1st level support did not correct the blue screen and 2. remove the annoyance of having to go through the endless automated call prompts and subsequent wait time — think again! To add insult to injury, the problem arose after the most recent Jan. 2019 update. Microsoft should revisit this escalation process — really poor customer service.

  7. Microsoft should really fix the security issues with Win 10. I learned that it is easily accessible and can be easily hacked. I just had some issues with a hacker who turned into a rude, voice-stress. Obnoxious and threatening individual after we decided to not pay the money he wanted to fix the problem. I told him that I could buy the software and install it myself. He then told me that I could not buy it and that only he or one of the other techs could install it … RED FLAG. If I only knew this two years ago I would not have this concern of my system being hacked. How original is this … it is the same person each time using a different name. WOW million dollar BRAIN, and it is being miss used. I have quick notes of each event and a receipt for service given two years ago. MICROSOFT DO SOMETHING ABOUT THESE PEOPLE!!!

  8. Microsoft Windows where do I start I forgot my Lumia 640 xl mobile phone unlock password I had this phone for a few years I let my grandchildren play games on the phone the password for the this phone was accidentally changed.After so many attempts access my phone by trying to guess the password I accessed microsoft help page the help page suggested a hard rest so I did what they suggested once that was done I was prompted to to enter a reset protection recovery key well this has become a major problem and a frustrating one I may add,I can not reach anyone ! to get this rprk every single place I was directed to was BOGUS I will never purchase anything from windows again

  9. Microsoft states in writing that they will give us a promo code for 100.00 of ads for 25.00 and they also promise in writing that they take checks and ACH your bank account that is not true any of it and is false advertising and consumer frauds and they refuse to take a complaint or give you to a manager or to the corporate office so they are unregulated and committing consumer frauds and false advertising. So we hired an attorney to sue them and guess what they refuse service of process. Illegally.

  10. I am totally put out by microsoft technical support people trying to extort so-called extended warantee contracts for software problems concerning microsoft games.
    Here’s the problem: I am playing microsoft solitare, soduko, ultimate word, and mahjong. They all have embeded ads. Some have to be closed manually while others automatically close. The ones that auto close also seem to have the ability to close the game so you have to start over. Not only is this anoying, but totally uncool.
    When I called technical support to report this, I was instructed to provide remote access so the tech could see what was going on at my computer. They showed me all the problems they seemingly discovered then tried to sell me that if I wanted the problems “permanantly fixed” I had to buy their contract @ $199 for 1 year or $349 for 2, and this would take care off all the problems.
    Never once did they take my complaint or make any effort to resolve the problem which is embeded in the games…your games.
    The problem still exists and I did not like being extorted to fix a problem that is with your games programs.
    ***** I suggest you remove all your ads until they do not affect the games performance, and do it now! *****

  11. MICROSOFT CORPORATE need help with windows 10 to catch hackers disconnecting my paid in full wifi.

  12. To all the CEO’s & Board Members: I can’t believe that Microsoft is a sponsor of a woman, Samantha Bee that called another woman, Ivanka Trump a Cxxx. As a woman I am appalled by the use of this word. It is a vulgar & vile word that you would never let anyone call your wife or any of female relatives, like your mother, this word. We will be sending out tweets this week asking sponsors to drop her & letting all sponsors know there is going to be a big boycott of her sponsors this week going forward. Thank you for your time.

  13. I love the free apps windows10 came with as I can use these to save and recover homework without buying software!

    shh…tech support will not tell you how since they want to sell you more…ijs

  14. wow, Windows tech support is AWFUL!!!!! after several attempts to get help utilizing windows 10 and its app to save or create a “notebook” I’m learning it on my own. also when I call back to try to speak to someone else, its like my number is blocked…lol…whatever tho, since I’m saving some of my work in reading list under onenote then there’s a notebook started in Cortana…..so thanks for the help tho…..

  15. I have been trying literally for hours to contact Microsoft by email. Every link and address proved to be “unreachable.” Yet I wanted to reinstall a program I paid $ 180 for and lost.

  16. who are these ;people calling from some cave in syria saying that your computer is dying, etc. they say they work for microsoft which they don’t.
    it’s getting to be a pain in the you know where

    1. They are hackers of course… wanting to steal data, information like your banking and
      credit card information.

  17. My server is AOL. I am bilingual and frequently I write in Spanish. Never had a problem, but I took my Dell
    Inspiron 24, Model 5459 for repairs (I pay for the service at Best Buy). When I tried to write in Spanish I
    got all words underlined in red & squiggly. I contacted AOL and they say Microsoft is to be blamed. Do you
    have a remedy for this?
    Please give me an answer. It is really annoying!

  18. Skype has been hacked ny an adult website
    GoSkype.com, as i am being charged by these people for the same amount Skype charges. This needs to be made public you allowed Skype to be hacked and stealing peoples credit cards and debit cards. I have had three charges in one month. You can’t even call Skype for customer service.

  19. Hello all the People of the WORLD !!

    My Wife and I had to take my Wifes Computer to the MICROSOFT STORE in San Diego because a New UPDATE from Microsoft tried to Install on my Wifes Desktop PC .

    But it caused her PC to only show a BLACK Screen when booting to a ON Position .

    So WE had to take her PC to the Microsoft Store in San Diego to get it Repaired .

    After it was Repaired the Store called us and then they told ME !! that because I was the person who SIGNED the Incoming Repair Paper , that I was the ONLY person that could come to Pick up my Wifes PC ,, even though I am DIASABLED !

    WHY can’t my WIFE go to Pick up her Desktop PC ?

    Then whe I try to search the Internet for a Phone number for a Excutive or some person who has some POWER so they can call the MS Store in SAn Diego and tell that Store to give our PC to my Wife or even for the Store to send our PC to our Home by UPS ,, they give me the same answer every time ,, SIR !! you signed the Incoming Repair Order SO !! YOU !!!! must Pick up the PC not your WIFE , even though YOU !! are DISABLED !

    Does that sound like a NICE NORMAL Company or does it sound like a Company who has the POWER of GOD !!! and they do NOT care about any CUSTOMERS !!

    WOW !

    1. I am also disabled. I bought a new pc and a month later it installed a whole new windows 10 1709 updated and it locked me out of everything. i had to have it reset back to manufactory way .. now ive had to do it three times now . a tech took control of my pc and he said he fixed it but yet at 10pm each night i have to keep disabling windows update so this wont happen . i shouldnt have to keep doing i t.. I do not want this on my pc and ive talked to alot of ppl and they are having the same problem. there is something hidden in the pc they put on here that allows microsoft to keep doing it over and over again.. they do this so you have to pay them to fix it. windows 10 1709/windows 10 creative is bogus and will ruin your pc. it has mine . no sense in treating ppl like this.

  20. Can someone at Microsoft please help: I am locked out of my computer by a nameless company that wants me to pay $99 to get back the use of my computer. They claim to be Microsoft Online Technical Support. The people who answer the phone are East Asian Indians and they are very snotty. They refuse to give me the name or location of the company. The number they give is 888-258-6033.
    Thank you.

    1. You’re lucky. These same crooks wanted $199 to release my computer from their hands. Only after telling them I was notifying the FBI and using their phone number as contact info, did they relent. They ARE NOT working for Microsoft. They misidentify themselves as such, but are just Ransom ware pirates.

      1. This happened to me, and they wanted 300.00 to fix it and it would infect my whole computer, more like hurry sign up. I got to talking so much to them, I could tell that I should call the geek squad instead and have them fix it. Just hoping that this would work. So simple…push the off button for 30 secs wait 15 and restart ….and don’t believe them about do not turn off the computer I was warned. scammers.

  21. I sincerely hope that micro tech support, is one of
    your subs for servicing micro soft. As my computer
    was blocked and their number to call listed.

  22. Obama should give his birth certificate to microsoft nobody would be able to get any info on it, cant even get a live person except a MORON at corp customer who transfers you before hearing what you have to say (212-824-3100) keep pressing O,try it yourself

  23. Horrible customer service. Tried to cancel on 3 separate occasions in both 2016 and 2017, but yet the Microsoft representatives did not do what they were supposed to. Now I’m out $151.18 and they won’t refund me even though they made the mistake.

  24. during a presentation my windows 10 decided to do a update that has lasted over an hour WHY??? why can’t update be done during the hours of 12am to 6 am OR why can’t we be asked if we want to update now or given a choice. Iam LIVID, if I lose this client because of your poorly written windows 10 I plan to call my attorney. at this time it is only 52% done I’m a 100% done with Microsoft and believe me One angry customer will tell 10 people and those 10 will tell 10 more and on and on until over thousands are made aware Or maybe I will post this on Face Book When I called the Tech hot line it went dead before I could speak to any one and was told there was a 30 minute wait Forget the Corporate phone recording I can’t convey my angry feeling about this strong enough

  25. Yahoo? Why not notify mail customers BEFORE you mess up the site? Being sent on circular non-helpful ‘Help’ treadmill trying to access att.net account buried in my yahoo.com account. Yahoo refuses to connect, refuses to reply, refuses refuses refuses. Let me in, so I can get out. Quit holding my communication hostage for who knows what end?

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