Mythdhr Home Depot ESS
MyTHDHR – Home Depot ESS.
MyTHDHR login help and FAQ: Everything you need to know about the Home Depot employee website.
Learn how to view your MyTHDHR schedule and paystubs, get MyTHDHR Login Help, see Home Depot Human Resources contacts & phone numbers, and view the list of Home Depot’s Benefits resources.
What is MyTHDHR?
MyTHDHR is Home Depots online employee portal. It is located at Home Depot employees can use the website to see and manage their schedules, view paystubs and access company news.
My Apron.
My Apron is part of the Home Depot Associate online network, but can only be accessed from a Home Depot store. The Home Depot My Apron system is unavailable on computers outside of the Home Depot network.
The My Apron network allows Home Depot employees to access work schedules, benefits, payroll deposits, tax documents and personal information, and employees can apply for promotions or new positions through the My Apron. Employees must have and user ID and password to access the My Apron network.
Home Depot ESS.
The Home Depot Employee Self-Service Validation system, allows Home Depot workers to add or modify personal information to the company records.
From ESS employees can:
- View and print historical pay statements and tax statements
- Change tax withholdings
- Change direct deposit information
- Activate a payroll card
- Change the employee mailing address
The ESS Login page for current Home Depot employees can be found here.
The ESS Login page for former Home Depot employees can be found here.
The Home Depot currently employs more than 385000 associates and is the fifth largest employer of the companies listed on the S&P 500.
Livethe OrangeLife Benefits Choice Center.
LiveTheOrangeLife is Home Depot’s employee benefits portal, and it is a separate website with its own homepage. The homepage can be accessed at
Please note that the Benefits Choice Center portal requires a different UserID and password, that you have to set up yourself, as a new user. Click on the ‘Are you a new user?’ link to create a new account. The login system is not case sensitive, so you can enter both upper or lower case letters for your User ID and password.
MyHTDHR View your Schedule – Login.
The most accessed function on the Home Depot Associate website is the ‘View Your Schedule’ tool.
As an Home Depot employee, you can view your up-coming work schedule by logging in to the Schedule module.
To login succesfully, you must supply your user ID and password, as well as the number of the store, that your work at. After signing in, you will be directed to the schedule tool.
If you are having problems signing in, then please check that the CAPS lock button is OFF on your keyword and that you have entered the correct store number.
If you are still having problems, then call the MyTHDHR Help Line on 1-866-myTHDHR.

Home Depot Human Resources Contacts.
Home Depot Benefits Phone Number:
Benefits Choice Center Phone Number: 1-800-555-4954
The line is open from Mon-Fri 9am – 7pm (EST)
Live Chat about benefits is available from Mon-Fri 9am – 11pm (EST) at
MyTHDHR Human Resources Phone Number:
1-866-myTHDHR (1-866-698-4347)
The line is open from Mon-Fri 8am – 8pm (EST), Sat (HRSC & RSC) 8am – 5pm (EST). Closed on Sundays.
Email: [email protected]
Home Depot Employee Stock Purchase Plan Phone number:
Home Depot Corporate Office Address.
HomeDepot’s corporate address is:
Home Depot
2455 Paces Ferry Rd SE, #B #3,
Atlanta, GA 30339-1834
Home Depot Employee Resources.
Home Depot Benefits Center Homepage
Home Depot Benefits and Health Plan Contacts PDF
Home Depot Twitter Career Page
Please share your experiences with, issues or complaints about the MyTHDHR website, in the comment section.
A potentially dangerous value was detected from the client in user data. this is the message I have gotten for three weeks when I check my schedule, what is it. and now workforce is down. who do I call for my schedule. Cmon get it together HD
Just what I was looking for.
This “new” system is AWFUL!!!!!! It takes too much time to locate any information associates use on a regular basis. Home Depot is not the CIA, but associates are being treated like we are trying to assess a top secret site. It’s difficult enough getting our work done as short handed as the stores are currently; without having to deal with this. Consider working with the the associates and find out what works for them; because this system isn’t.
I can’t believe that a public company like THD would employ a bunch of incompetent people to work in both their store fronts and behind the scene in their offices! I was a recent hire part-time worker in one of the store in the San Jose California area. The HR personnel in that store was never there!!! Workplace scheduling and staffing support were and still are in complete disarray. Close to zero management support!!! When I tried to contact the HR from the main corporation office, I was told to contact my own HR personnel (whom was never there) in my store for help first before I can escalate my cry for help & complaints?!!? Even the tech support folks have only limited knowledge in the tech support field!?!? Double verification code took literally hours until I received it on my iphone!!! Which by that time my login session would be long expired!!! I can go on and on about the problems I’ve encountered in my short working experience with THD ….. Simply unbelievable !
The mythdhr schedule site is still not working. I need to schedule time off for a family members funeral! I also need to view my schedule. This has been not working for weeks!
Please fix it.
I forgot my apron password and asked them to send the code to my phone . I don’t know how to retrieve the code on my iPhone.
Mythdhr is still not working. I need to see my schedule, ask for time off etc!
At store 0220 Qwen the manager is horrible the worst we ever had she fires all the good ppl that we do have she writes you up for nothing she doesn’t like to work she never comes up front to help with anything she acts like every body is beneath her the worst we ever had.
Is there leave for associates who have to qurantine?
when are people going to get payroll access on workday fixed? Can’t believe yu would choose a system that did not include 75% of cellular systems. Dumb
Be nice if you people would get workday payroll section fixed. Until then I assume you will be mailing out check stubs
to enter workday payroll info we must have a text verification, but T mobile verison ,exfinity , and straight talk don’t work so well, what other mobile cos are there. AT&T. 80% of users have the ones you can’t get to work. Who set this up the same people on Biden’s staff? Woke program
Can not access my schedule/anything.
Home Depot needs to install an irrigation system to water their plants inside and out. So much water, clean drinking water, is wasted every day trying to keep plants alive.
When farmers in California are only able to produce half of what they normally do and there are food shortages this year due to drought and water restrictions. When people are dying all over the world for lack of fresh, clean water. How can Home Depot justify wasting thousands of gallons of water a day?
It wouldn’t be that difficult to set up an irrigation system. Grocery stores do it for their vegetable displays after all. Just because southwest Washington has seemingly abundant water supplies now at the beginning of summer doesn’t mean we won’t see shortages here before the fall rain comes. Especially if this weekend’s 106 F is any indication of this years summer conditions. Home Depot might get some backlash for wasting water especially since they claim to be practicing sustainability, part of which is properly managing our resources.
It is time Home Depot followed the CDC new guidelines on mask wearing
I have concerns about associates being forced to wear masks without individual testing and proper training. Forcing blanket masking of employees is a violation of OSHA’s own laws regarding the use of PPE (OSHA 29cfr1910.134 appendix C). These conditions for masking of employees are not being observed by Home Depot:
1) PPE is not rated
2) Employees are not screened for health conditions/risks
3) Employees are not trained in the proper use of PPE.
4) Tasks being performed while masked are not considered
Masks DO NOT stop viral transmission. Self contained full-body hooded PPE is the only PPE rated by OSHA to prevent viral transmission. While surgical masks provide a barrier against large respiratory particles, they are ineffective at providing protection from smaller particles. Surgical masks also do not prevent leakage around the mask when the user inhales. Therefore, surgical masks are ineffective [3]
Adverse health risks of blanket masking include:
Long term masking lowers oxygen intake by up to 20%. Anything less than 96% oxygen intake depresses the immune system, increases stress hormone cortisol making one more susceptible to pathogens, and can effect brain development in children.
Masks need to be changed every 2-3 hours to reduce bacterial infection from dirty masks
Inhaling our own respiratory waste is toxic and can impair kidney function,
Increased bacterial infections
Increased viral load (BMJ study)
Peri-oral dermatitis (OSHA recordable)
Skin breakdown,
Impaired cognition
Wearing masks for a prolonged amount of time causes a host of physiologic and psychologic burdens and can decrease work efficiency. Activity cannot be performed as long or as efficiently while wearing masks as compared to when masks are not worn. Additionally, the timeframe that an activity can be sustained is decreased when wearing masks and PPE [4]
Hypercapnia, inadequate ventilation and increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) known as hypercapnia. As CO2 is a known respiratory stimulant, a buildup of exhaled CO2 between the mask and face will cause increased lung ventilation and respiratory activity. Symptoms of hypoxemia such as chest discomfort and tachypnea are also noted in healthcare professionals with prolonged mask use. Exhaled CO2 builds up between the mask and face, and increased levels of CO2 cause confusion, impaired cognition, and disorientation [4].
Urticaria and contact dermatitis can occur from sensitivity to components of masks and PPE. Formaldehyde is a chemical used in PPE that some are sensitive and/or allergic to. Others may react to thiuram which is found in the ear loops of surgical masks [7].
Last but not least:
The number of cases are inflated due to false positive test results using PCR methodology, A methodology that was never intended to diagnose or detect disease and in fact, is unable to accurately test for Covid19. Many deaths have fraudulently been attributed to Covid19 including deaths from car accidents and even suicide.
The rate of death does not support the extreme measures being mandated, i.e. masking, social distancing, lockdowns.
Sources cited:
I propose Home Depot stop requiring blanket masking and do the actual research instead of making decisions based on media reports and driven by hysteria.
your whole computer system sucks. Can’t log on or find anything I need. Schedule for instance. Workforce doesn’t work. Billion dollar corporation running a PACMAN era computer.
i do not agree with home depots stand on the Georgia voting law
Im a home depot associate. I find it difficult to find the sight for my schedule. I find it difficult to navigate a lot of your sights, To many confederate sights. I know home depot is “FRUGAL” with wages & staffing, but your employees could be spending more time on the floor if they didn’t have to spend so much fishing time on the computer.
As a home depot associate…I definitely agree with you! And yes the pay is very frugal!!
thank you very much Ali for your quick response regarding my Employers Conformation Form.
Anthony morley at store number 2679 in Dorchester mass is a really hard worker I would recommend him a merit he assisted me better than other associates did during my many visits to store
Good write-up. I absolutely love this site. Keep it up!