Dollar General Headquarters
Dollar General Headquarters.
Everything you need to know about the Dollar General Headquarters and Corporate offices.
See the Dollar General Corporate Office address, phone numbers, customer service contacts, Executive Team, Jobs and Careers pages, and more.
About Dollar General.
Dollar General was founded in Kentucky in 1939 by members of the Turner family. The first Dollar General store sold wholesale goods whose prices were capped at $1, and its business model soon became a success. Today, Dollar General acts as a one-stop shop thanks to its diverse range of products for everyday use, which range from cleaning supplies to food and drinks, decorative items, toys, healthcare products, and apparel.
The company is now a leading small-box retailer and a Fortune 500 organization. Dollar General has more than 13,000 locations across the United States, along with stores in 43 states and 14 distribution centers. All in all, nearly 120,000 people work for this US retailer.
Dollar General Corporate Office Contacts.
Below we have listed the phone and fax numbers for Dollar General’s head office, as well as the company’s corporate address.
Dollar General Headquarters Phone Number.
Dollar General Headquarters Switchboard Hours.
Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Central Time Zone)
Dollar General Headquarters Fax Number.
Dollar General Human Resources Phone Number.
The Human Resources department for current, former or potential employees can be reached on:
1-855-ASK-DGHR (275-3447)
Dollar General Headquarters Address.
Dollar General Corporation
100 Mission Ridge
Goodlettsville, TN, 37072

Dollar General Executive Team.
The complete list of key leaders at Dollar General.
- Todd Vasos, Chief Executive Officer
- John W. Garratt, Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
- Jim Thorpe, Executive Vice President & Chief Merchandising Officer
- Jeff Owen, Executive Vice President for Store Operations
- Bob Ravener, Executive Vice President & Chief People Officer
- Rhonda Taylor, Executive Vice President & General Counsel
- Mike Kindy, Senior Vice President (Global Supply Chain)
- Anita Elliott, Senior Vice President & Chief Accounting Officer
Dollar General Board of Directors:
- Michael M. Calbert, Chairman of the Board
- Todd Vasos
- Warren F. Bryant
- Sandra B. Cochran
- Patricia D. Fili-Krushel
- Paula A. Price
- William C. Rhodes III
- David B. Rickard
Dollar General Careers and Jobs.
If you would like to join the growing Dollar General team, the first step is to find out more about current job openings. You can do that by visiting this page, where you can explore the different career areas available at Dollar General.
Vacancies typically include jobs in sales, retail, distribution and logistics, and there are also corporate roles advertised on a regular basis. Military veterans can view suitable job opportunities here.
How to complain to Dollar General.
The primary Dollar General Customer Service number is 1-800-678-9258. If you have a complaint to make and prefer not to do it on the phone, you can reach the same department by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Dollar General also has a Media Relations line open 1-877-463-1553, where representatives are available to take calls around the clock. Written complaints can be sent to the company’s headquarters in Tennessee, or you can also use the contact form provided here to send a written complaint about existing orders, returns and refunds, or account issues.
Other Dollar General Resources.
Find additional information below about how to contact Dollar General’s different departments, social media profiles, feedback forms, etc.
- Dollar General on Facebook
- Dollar General on Twitter
- Dollar General LinkedIn
- Dollar General on Youtube
- Dollar General on Instagram
- Dollar General Pinterest Board
- YDollar General on Google+
- Dollar General Customer Support Online
- Support with Online Shopping or 1-877-463-1553
- In-Store Customer Care form
- Store Locator (USA only)
- Digital Coupons Sign-Up form
- Sponsorship Enquiries: Call 1-615-855-4000
- Advertising Enquiries
- Business & Organizational Accounts
- Media Enquiries: Call 1-877-944-3477 or send an email to [email protected]
- Investor Relations
- Shareholder Resources
Please share your experiences, praise or complaints about Dollar General, in the comment section.
Is Dollar 654 Rockwall Terrell, Tx store going to get Human and Dog Matching Socks going to stock anymore of these before Christmas.
Stopped at Dollar General in Eldridge, Iowa to try and find a little something for our Granddaughter. Found this little Disney toy that blew bubbles when you pressed the button. Seemed like $15 was a little much but turns out it was in the clearance aisle and was 25% off. Used the self checkout but realized after we had already paid that it didn’t give us the discount. It’s only a few dollars but went ahead and brought it up to the cashier (Stacy). This is when things got ugly. She had no idea how to refund the money so she got her manager (Dutch). Well, he didn’t know how to do it either. He simply looked at us and said he couldn’t refund our money. This is when I asked “why”. This question must have upset him for some reason because this is when he said “because the system won’t let me do it” and grabbed the toy and slammed $15 on the counter and walked off with obvious frustration. This is when my Wife said “we paid $16.07, and your only giving us $15 back”? This is when Stacy decided to chime back in. She states “well I don’t know how to do that but I’ll just give you back the $1.07 out of the register and cover it myself since you can’t pay it”. She proceeds to tell us it’s not there fault that it won’t give the discount. Call corporate if you want, she say’s. At this point I’m a little upset because of the way they’ve acted, so I asked her and the manager what the names are. I state that it’s certainly not our fault and that they should probably address this since they have an entire aisle of clearance items that are marked down. Does this mean none of them give you the discount? Stacy decides to tell me “you don’t have to be an asshole”. Ummm, excuse me but I’m pretty sure neither Myself or my Wife have done anything out of line at this point. End of story is we just paid full price for it and cut our losses. Didn’t want to stop and see our Grand Daughter without this toy since we had promised her some sort of bubble blaster. I would sure hope that when someone from corporate reads this that it us addressed with these two extremely rude individuals (Dutch and Stacy). If it were me doing the addressing, they would both be out of a job.
We would love to see a Dollar General in Dakota Illinois. The surrounding small towns have them but not Dakota.
The Cash Registers don’t allow the Cashier to process Saturdays coupons at the Rose Blvd Northport AL Store on 09092023 I should have saved a 1/2 tank of gas with all my coupons and items I was going to buy But I left them all on the counter because the cashier just wanted me to pay the entire cost Nope Nope Dollar General stores need their floors steamed cleaned monthly not every five years because the workers do not mop the floors Some stores are to small to handle putting all items on selves The Rose Blvd store needs to be reorganize so the lanes are one long aisle like to grocery stores
The new Dollar General in Sweetwater, Tn on North Main, has a cashier working there who is clearly on drugs and has 2 to 3 very young children in the store with her while she is on the clock. Constantly on her phone, leaves the register and store unattended while stepping outside. Many have discussed her state and these repeated acts. This person has very Slurred speech and obviously under the influence of some substance.
The store that you all have in Coats North Carolina is the nastiest store inside and out that I have ever been in. It has been shut down by the fire Marshall due to crowded isles and when open went right back to the same. I will not even shop there. I drive 30 mins farther because of the mess. The staff are also rude.
Dollar general is a joke Stock holders need to find out what is happening in their stores. All you are doing is money grabbing and do not care about your employees or customers. Shame on you
The RIo Vista Texas store is a joke. It hasn’t been cleaned in forever. The AC when your last week and they were closed for at least 3days. The shelves are very seldom stocked. There are big containers in the aisles so you can’t get down them with a cart. Please do something about this. The manager acts like she doesn’t care and the employees also.
Yes …. I have complaints … First … the cooperate office is building dollar generals on every corner but you’re not keeping up the buildings … Air conditioners aren’t working … coolers are out …. Employees are closing stores in the south because of heat … shelves are empty …. stores are nasty !!! I’m from a small town in Alabama who was excited about having dollar general but now not so
sure …. Apparently wages are not good
because of the employee’s hired …. people with no pride in themselves .. dirty … smokey …. appearance ….. please do something about your stores …. I’d rather pay more that be afraid of walking into these dirty stores !!!!
Safety concerns in Janesville distribution center. I have informed 3 upper management ppl how unsafe it is with workers not pulling plastic and leaving cardboard in the upper racks. Unsafe for put away driver hanging plastic inside the racks, their pallets could get caught and cause someone to get hurt. I have pics to send if I can have an email address. I was told it’s not my concern by my manager.
I am complaining about the dollar general in coats nc they have several isles closed due to u-boats. There is always stuff on the floor and the staff have bad attitudes. Most of the shelves are bare because obviously someone does not k ow how to order. They have to much over stock and not enough of other stuff. Someone needs to go in there and clean house and I don’t mean just with the stock I mean with the staff too. I have a pic of one of the isles that was closed due to y-boats on it if anyone would like to see it.
Emerson Georgia manager Tia at this location was an absolute “BITCH” the most “UNPROFESSIONAL HUMAN” as she told me to go find my shit myself as I didn’t look hard enough to find what I was looking for and if you don’t like it the QR code is on the front door if you have a complaint I don’t care!!!
Tia at Emerson Georgia location was a complete disgrace to your company, rude, told me to find what I was looking for by myself as I couldn’t find anyone on the sales floor. I asked to speak to management and she said I’m the show!! You got a complaint go scan the we code on the front door and complain cause I don’t really care! Will never be back to DG again and will let everyone know this is ok with how your management team operates.
I go out of my way to shop at Dollar General. Why? Because I support literacy and DG’s support of adult education and family literacy! Thank you Executives and Board for your mission and how you support communities.
A company truck hit my car than ran and my car is totaled I would like for you guys to pay off my remaining loan on it
This is not enough to just place a complaint into this little box because I feel companies such as yourself will just pacifier the issue or situation at hand instead of resolving, the potential bigger issue it could cause in the future. But we will see. Im also placing a complaint with the BBB. Why too often there are issues in communities that a ignore because we as customers do not take the complaint to every platform.
I stop by the Dollar General Store at 5405 Baltimore National Pike in Catonsville Plaza on Saturday Aug 12 between 11 am and 11:45. I picked up two 20 oz drinks, a large bag of cashews and a movie size box of candy. Once I got to the register the young lady scanned my items and then slid the box of candy to me. I asked for a bag and she replied no. I said excuse me? She replied “You can only get a bag if I purchase 5 or more items.” I said how much I’m spending? ($10 and some change) I then ask when did they start doing this! I asked her, Are you telling me I can’t get a big because I have only four items? She shook her head yes. Can I pay for a bag as they make us do within Baltimore City? ( In the city at Dollar General Stores we are made to pay for your bag if you don’t have one of your own) She said no. I then loudly ask for a manager and one of the other two cashier ( all three cash registers had cashiers) replied this came down from our corporate office. I assumed one was your store manager. CORPORATE OFFICE! I then told the cashier to please just cancel my transaction I had my bank card in the machine ready to pay while this was happening. Your cashier smirked as if the situation was humorous but it was not!
When I can go to your stores in other communities, and going to be very straight forward with my complaints, majority white communities I receive better customer service from Aubutus up to Red Lion PA down to Wilson NC. Why is it okay with companies like yours to okay your employees not give good customer service in the majority brown skin/ black, American-African communities? I have been to stores that ran out of bags, apologize to us the customer to why they had to place our items in white plastic kitchen trash bag. I can appreciate that store (Ross) trying to accommodate the customer. Your store had bags and refuse to place my items in a bag. My money is green, my currency in the USA is the same as anyone else’s. Your company does not have the right to say I’ll let you shop and take your money but if you want your items in a bag regardless of what the items are big or small you have to buy 5 or more if not walk out with the items in your arms and carry them to where you have to go. Im beyond upset about this. Some my think its about a bag but its more. Im a customer, a paying customer, I have shop at your stores all the time but I see when it comes to the Black Community you allow your workers to treat customers any way they please to do. I guarantee, guarantee after this complaint is filed that store will still be doing the same thing because you think its okay for African -Americans to do other African-Americans that way as long as they are not doing this in the Dollar General Store in the majority White-American communities. When I go back just to prove that they will continue to tell customers in order for you to get a bag you have to buy 5 items I will have my phone video camera rolling.
I recently visited the Dollar General Store # 862 at 1610 Airport Blvd, West Columbia, SC 29169 at approximately 5:30 p. m. While shopping, a lady approached the employee named Shawn (on her badge) regarding an issue with a phone card. Shawn was on the phone with her manager (so she said). Resolution of the issue wasn’t happening. While the customer became irate, Shawn became irate as well. She used the word “fuck” several times communicating with the customer. She told the customer to get out of the store. Shawn raised her voice so that others of us in the store could clearly hear her side of the conversation. The customer left the store. Shawn continued to speak about the situation to another person (a young male). He was advising her that she should remain calm. Shawn was argumentative with him. I decided that my shopping trip had come to an end. I carried my purchases to the register. Shawn and the gentleman continued to speak about the matter in front of me. Shawn was saying that she wasn’t responsible for what happened on another shift. While I agree with that, she could have handled the situation differently. I advised her she cursed at the lady several times. Shawn told it that the lady cursed at her. I told her she was the employee and it was her responsibility to remain calm. Shawn told me this didn’t involve me. I advised she had involved the entire store when she raised her voice and made us all aware of what was happening. I paid for my purchases and left. The young gentleman thanked me for paying. I feel this employee needs more training on handling customers. She doesn’t represent your company in the best of light. I cut my visit short today because of her. The upset customer could have been carried to an office to resolve the matter without embarrassing the customer or calling attention to the situation. When I told Shawn I was contacting corporate she had a smart remark to make about your being able to check the cameras. I agreed that you could and would. Please address this issue. This employee should not be allowed to have face to face contact with customers until she learns how to control her emotions better. She made a bad impression on me and didn’t represent your company well at all.
the dollar general in Soperton, GA is so hot you can’t stand to shop in it and they had to cut hours because of the heat
Soperton, GA store has been an eyesore for several years. However, it is not even a choice of places to go in our very small town. Clean it up , fis things or clise it down. Family Dola a much better choice tovspend our dollars!
What does the Dollar General in Caddo Mills Texas employees work or 20 hours a day putting stock and she’s an older person very sick. In the manger can’t seem do her job called vic
Dollar general in huff junction is closing and not letting anyone. In at 1030 they do not close until 11 I work in retail I know for fact you close at the exact time it says on the door
I’ve been shopping at the dollar general for years. Now a new store # 20303 in Beach City Texas. There’s no excuse why the store should be so hot. Especially the workers there. It’s horrible the way dollar general treats the employees of these stores. Not only this store but others. It shouldn’t take this long to get parts to fix an air conditioner. There are plants of AC workers in the area who can fix in a few days. Not make these employees wait months then have it break again.
Rediculous!!! . I have family members in the AC business.
It makes me and my family not want to shop in your stores ever again.
What is going on with the stores in East Sparta , Mineral City, Dellroy and Sherrodsville Ohio. Always one if not several closed due to staffing!!! That does not look good for the company!
I believe able I got a live chat person and o was informed I have pay money to file a complaint my attorney is goin to have a field day with these people whom you hire to ask folks who are filing a complaint why should I have to pay money to tell you your company is getting sloppy
So why do I have to ask your employee to put down their personal phone And check me out to u r paying someone to make me wait while they are on their personal phone and y’all have no regards for your supposed to be valued customers your people who I think you didn’t care so why do Ijave to go down an isle and can’t get thru coz nothing being stocked coz the cashier helping the manager to make art for her Wallet yep your representive is telling me she’s helping her manager to have a WALLet made with pictures on her wallet and yet I’m still waiting to get checked out I personally think you should shut down all stores across America coz y’all don’t have and good staff and now y’all want to take our money and check ourselves out to be honest I’m sick of lazy and greedy people om fixin to contact my attorney and the BBB YALL HAVENO CLE
So why do I have to ask your employee to put down their personal phone And check me out to u r paying someone to make me wait while they are on their personal phone
I decided to try the new DG Market in Kaplan, LA. I wanted to stock up on cleaning supplies, paper products, etc. I had a basket that was overflowing. I asked the cashier if I could use the restroom. I am 70 years old and when I need the restroom, I have to go immediately. I was told the restrooms were out of order. A brand new store that opened just three days ago. I do not believe they were out of order but if they are, I wanted you to know so you can get them fixed. I left my basket full of supplies and went to Family Dollar where they let me use their restroom. I cannot frequent a store that does not accommodate their customers.
Honestly had not experienced anything bad at McGregor Tx Hwy 84 location it until just now. When I got in parking lot, there were probably 10 total vehicles in parking lot.
I pulled in the parking lot, noticed 2 women sitting just outside the door, appeared to be on a smoke break. I walked right past both of them, opened the door and customers were already waiting in line for someone to come assist them with checking out. So I went and got what I came for, then approached the register line. Noticing the women were still outside sitting there just enjoying each other’s conversation. Elderly customers just standing there waiting for help, asking other customers in line, has anyone seen an employee. I had mentioned to the elderly lady, ma’am I believe the 2 they do have may be outside smoking. The elderly lady yelled “Ma’am”, and then I again replied…I think they may be the only employees here it seems. She then walked outside to get their attention, one of the 2 lady’s then came in to assist with checking out. At no time, did either employee on break even poke their head in the door to see if anyone needed help. Not sure if Frank (evening shift manager) will see this. But it appears the current employees would much rather smoke during work hours than assist customers. They even went as far as putting a note on both registers stating, “Using self check out if possible, it helps us greatly thank you”
How do you think it makes customers feel when there are only 2 employees and both take a break at the same time. With 10 plus customers in store. The Hwy 84 location use to be a great location. Hate to see this with any business, Frank is always going out of his way to help others. It sucks to see that the current employees are giving the store a bad image.
Store was soo hot could not stay in there.. Employee Kelly was really nice and apologized …she always has a smile, very friendly unlike other employees…store number. 19376. Please fix ac, so i can go shop….thanks
I am from Bastrop LA and frequent the new Dollar General Store here…I t is a shame that you have such great employees that really care about their work ethic and yet have to work in an environment that is so hot in the store…I don’t know about Tennessee but I can tell you that the heat index here is around 105 …yet your employees endure it as well as the customers …Shame on You!
your app doesn’t work half of the time or says error when in store but soon as leave store app works fine
4712 S. 3rd Memphis, Tennessee 38109. This store doesn’t go by store hours. It’s like they open when they want. Several people have applied for jobs there with no success. Is the store closing?
Please tell me why the DOLLAR GENERAL at 107 Highway 19 in Zachary, Louisiana is closed in the middle of the day on Saturday this is Sandra you have my number and this is ridiculous!
This is not the first time this is happened either
Today on KDKA news, they covered a story about one of your trucks causing damage to a residence in Uniontown, Pa. Both the resident and KDKA have reached out to your corporate office, but no one has responded. Step up and do the right thing, I hope this isn’t how you run your company.
The store at charity cross roads. There is a cash only sign that has been there for several days now and we keep being told it is because the manager will not come take care of the situation. That store is really a good one, but it is not worth two cent if we cannot use it. Please do something about it. Please.
The store at 3520 Waverly Road in Lansing, Michigan is horrible!!! I have never seen a store in such utter chaos!! Merchandise all over the floors, the merchandise that comes onto the floor in those carts all over the place. Aisle ways cluttered, merchandise sitting all over on the floor!!!Employees not in uniform, hip hop music playing loudly. That store is such a disgrace and it’s not the first time I’ve seen it like this. Do something with this store!!! I live across the street from this store but I will drive out of my way to spend my money in another dollar store that doesn’t look like a tornado went through it!????
I used to go to Dollar gen on merriman rd in akron every day Now i avoid going even though it is the only store in the valley i went yesterday and as usual was over charged 4 dollars your stickers should match your register it has improved a little it was a little easier yo get down the isle not as much mess but still need to fix those prices
That Dollar General in Olivia NC has real bad odor issues Soon as you get to the door it smells like Dog Shit Also it’s by far the nastiest Store I have visited
To whomever is in charge of the Dollar General in Volga, South Dakota they need to get a maintenance person to fix the heat for the employees. As I am a frequent shopper of this store which does very well I’m very saddened as your company can’t even fix the heat for its employees. I as a customer am cold when I’m in there with a jacket on. Please graciously consider taking care of the working conditions of your employees. This is not giving your company a good rap.
My complaint has two parties at the store in Ellaville on John, the manager and Kerri the assistant manager their both disrespectful to customers and both treat employees with disabilities with disrespect and talk down to them with crude behavior in front of other employees and customers
Store 16619 has overcharged me 4 times now for different items I have purchased. The cashier said that that the product company sets their price but manger says corporation does the pricing. The cashier then goes back and changes the price on the coolers sticker. Over charged.60 cents. Yes I got a refund but how many prices are wrong and people overcharged if they don’t check their receipts. This is getting out of hand
You refuse to pay for restrooms in your stores ! I refuse along with many others to shop your stores! Pathetic!
Overcharges! They do not change price tags on shelves and then overcharge at checkout! This has happened on several occasions. Check your receipts before you leave the store!!!
What do I have to do to get the trash at 4412 Manchester Hwy cleaned up? It’s so much worse that the dumpsters that the county provides!!! How about you get in there, CLEAN IT UP, fix and lock the gates. It’s an embarrassment. Dollar General should be ashamed. I’d be more than happy to send pics if I had a proper email to send it to.
Heat at the Sheffield Illinois facility ! Shame on cooperate as they have had no heat for 7 days!
2757 Hartford Hwy
Dothan, AL 36305
United States
The parking lot is filthy and always has garbage everywhere
This is the dirtiest store I’ve ever been in..(used to be the cleanest just 2 yr ago). Trash all over the parking lot and items all over the floor inside. Unbelievable!! Location: Wallburg NC — please! PLEASE do something to clean this up! This is my neighborhood!!! May start reporting to health department as there were dirty diapers in parking lot .. no lie!
This is regarding Saegertown Pa with a cashier that is in need of a talking to about how she treats customers. The gatorade is buy 4 get the 5th free and she has already taken black marker while i was at her register and scratched out the cut out so I didn’t
get deal. She is the only oriental woman in the store so she won’t be hard to identify.
i have seen that Ohio was over charging as she is doing now in Pa. The auditor general is my next approach.
Miss Mistreated
The store in my town is horrible compared to other dollar generals. They dont take 50’s or 100’s. Told me only the mgr can sell gift cards, wouldnt take a 100 on a $45 order. Its dirty and very cluttered, and they have a squeeky pig to squeeze if no one is near the register. The staff seems untrained and have 0 customer service skills. All the other stores I have been too seem clean and organized. Seriously disappointed in my hometown store! Mayville, Mi, 48744.
Just went into a DG store and couldn’t find anyone working in there for about 10 mins. Asked the man putting up chips if he knew. He said he had seen her on one of the aisles earlier. This is a fairly new-store and never has enough help!! DG is one of my favorite stores, but this one needs help!!
I’m wanting to know what it takes to get a General dollar built in our community of Santo, Texas?
We have no stores. We have to drive 30 mins. to buy food and other items.
Prices are too high, store never has what you go in for, when they do prices are never right and the stores always a mess.
Why are y’all not honoring your 5 dollars off when you spend 25.00 and the 5.00 dollars off when you spend 30.00 on gain products if bought together
Your store in Needville, TX is a mess. You should hire a graveyard crew to straighten the store every night. Employees during the day should be able to police the customers that are making the mess.
Your store in Webb City Mo is horrible the bathroom is very unsanitary & awful. The worker that was up front was not friendly at all. I will never return in that store. I’ll go to Joplin or Pittsburg stores they are nice.
Why is dollar general closed when the hours posted clearly say open from 8am to 9 pm? I have made several trips to this Tryon NC location only to find it closed with no sign stating why. This cost persons time, and gas. This will prove to be a liability to the company if the numerous cars I have witnessed pull off demand reimbursement.
I have a complaint the store in claysville pa 15323 they just remodeled it I think it worse now than it was who ever the manager is it doesn’t look like they know how to do there job the store is a mess every time we go in I have went to others and they are a lot cleaner and you can at least walk down the iles and the floors are clean
No public restrooms according to cashier at the luling Texas store.
I live in a community north of Minden Louisiana, there isn’t a store within 25 mins of our home and we need one bad. The community is evergreen it’s south of leton La off Hwy 159 and La 2 please consider putting one here.
This store on ingersoll is ridiculous! Not only nothing out on shelves but the few employees that you do have —HIDE from customers! No lie!
Can a mgr at dollar general date an employee at the same store ? Can a mgr date another mgr at the same store ?
The Coffeyville Kansas, dollar general is in terrible condition. This has been a constant problem that has been in this condition for a very long time. Shelves are not stocked, product sitting on stocking racks throughout the store making nearly impossible to navigate the store. I will no longer use your Coffeyville location until something is done.
Your manager had struck me over the head with my own cane now mind you I’m disabled I broke my back in2019 and walk with a cane I bought a bag of dog food on 11/17/22 on11/24/22 I walked into the store to return it I was even exchange to other items. so I n left the receipt in my vehicle. Employee tried to scan but was not able so I was asked to get a different bag there was no same size bags so I got bigger n smaller but same kind . Also was willing to take a price cut.. manager was requested he upon coming up says sorry you never bought it here so can’t helpmeet i say no I got a receipt def got it here. He stated
“ if you get that I got u” so I produce the receipt after that he 3 customers checkout saying I got you old head!!mindyou I’m in dollar general One hour plus at this time and he finally decides to try to scan my receipt don’t think he even scanned it but says sorry Oldhead this receipt won’t scan so I said it Hass to scan it’s the receipt he said sorry can’t help you you only got seven days to return it and it’s past seven days. So I took the receipt back and checked on my phone return policy that’s when I found out 90 days from purchase you can even exchange even if you do not even have a receipt so when I stated this to him he got very hostile open my face and I got pissed off back and he says let’s go outside so I follow me outside he puts hands up like he’s gonna fight me words wasn’t back n forth I went inside the store to get my dog food I grab the bag on The checkout counter the cops told me after the camera was looked at I was getting the wrong bag so as I tried to walkout and the manager stand in front of me and shoulders me so I push him to get past as I try too get past my cane falls to the ground he picks up my cane and strikes me in the head and arm with the cane I get outside and my girlfriend was with me this whole time and they lock her in the store will not allow her to get out at this point I call 911 n requests officer i after they make me stand outside for another hour in the cold . I told the officers I was not gonna press criminal charges and I was told if I wanted to have him arrested it’s up to me. I misssd thanksgiving dinner with my 11 yr old son I’m now experiencing headache all night plus hands won’t stop shaking I’m unable to calm down I’m gonna go to E.R if I can’t stop
I was in DG today and was rung up wrong. I was told I had to wait because there was no way to get in touch with the assistant manager. I went to look for him twice I found him and explained the problem she assumed my son was going to pay for mine things and his and rang up the things on the counter and the soda in my cart. When we saw he paid to much the manager told me I had to bring the soda back in so I just grabbed the ones on the self instead of getting them out of the trunk well your assistant manager got mad and told me im not getting my refund and to leave. If you have cameras you can see for yourself I did nothing wrong. Was I mad absolutely did I offend or use bad language absolutely not. The sodas are 3 for 10 she rang up four for my son and over charged for one she charged me for 2 and over charged me. Im very disappointed in how I was cheated
Just think the letter posted on a general door is excessive I have a picture of it it is allot to write
i went back in t store t get explanation of why i was called out in front of a line of customers him yelling my husband was in line seconds be fore i come in he was talking about they need t put shoplifters pichures on the door t embarass them when ask who i am he didnt know he sd she vomes here several times mu husband has it all on recording i about to go to the news station i was total embarrassed and for no reason he sd to officer i have stole from store never have i been in troble i have n criminal record alao i have a job making plenty of money i am veery destrot over the racial hate the manger is harrassing me because i am white and i question her anout over charging me for product then going back void them and still over charging when the price on shelf clearly says she wrong i feel i been picked on for know reason the cashier told a customer that i playing games o know why i cant come in there until he told officer i had stolen several times if that was true why had they not had me arrested i am not a thief i feel very sorry for other customers the will single out and bully i not going to stop til something is done i never stolen anything and to make me cry in front a line of people for made up stuff is not right i feel disrespected bullied for no readon at all cause i am white also i want t menstion that he told a persn in line that some whote peoplle make a brother job hard he told us we cant call police we did they also felt i was treated unfairly . thank u so much for your time in this matter
at the store in cairo, sydney darran, cashier refused to cash me out, and continued to hit the back of my head with her fists, and grab my hair. she hit first, and would not cash me out.
You have free advertising on FB. Keep your aisles clear so people can shop. Store # 12480 is the biggest mess I have ever seen. How do you expect cashiers to stock
I walked into the Dollar General tonight at 7:30 and I was informed that I’m not allowed in the store I’ll ask the young Young gentleman who was behind the counter in the store is on Elam Road boxsprings Texas I ask him for what reason I was not allowed in the store he told me don’t make his job harder than it should be and tell me his room his boss told him that I’m not allowed in the store and he did not give me a reason he was very rude there was a line full of customers he embarrass me very badly and I have not done nothing in the store ever to be treated this way I’m very upset and offended
The Lebanon Dollar market pop shelf is so very cold inside that I had to leave and not finish my shopping today. I asked about why the air conditioning is on when it was 20° last night. An employee who had on a coat and a hoodie said that it had been that way for over two weeks. I really believe Dollar General can do better by their customers as well as their employees than allowing air conditioning to run wide open when it is 20, 30 and 40° outdoors. You may contact me if you like Lita BURNETT 615–9 69–6185. I will send in complaints until I can return to my dollar General Market in Lebanon, TN.
A forum on Facebook. Manager in Marseilles, il 61341 arguing on fb. She never picks up the mail. Asked her to do so. This resulted in a fb exchange and her continuing to talk on fb. She blocked me . She does not pick up the mail. I was her carrier. Retired. New one now asked and she does not. Her mail has been returned after so many days. I have the screenshots of her comments. Please feel free to contact me. 32 year veteran of the USPS.
Dollar general in West, Tx- zip 76691 is NEVER open the posted hours! They still haven’t opened today, 2 nights this week they closed over an hour early , and many times you cannot locate an employee anywhere in the store when they are open!
The Dollar General store in Locust Grove, VA has the nastiest bathroom I have ever seen. I thought I was going to catch typhoid. I don’t think anyone EVER cleans the toilet. It needs a HUGE makeover. So unsanitary.
I was a employee and my dm Lizz Tescedo (I think that’s how to spell her last name) in Fresno/ madera county in California. And yes I have a lot to say
The Doller general in Manchester is horrible !! I ask someone who worked there to please help customers , she said they can self serve !!! These old people don’t understand that process . I was appalled !
Tuesday 11/15/2022. Store #22029, located 4084 Hwy 49 South, Hattiesburg, MS.
I found 3 buggy full of penny items at this store, on app with correct location scanned penny, but rang up 90% at register the cashier who was extremely polite and professional, called manager. The manager told her she would be written up and in trouble if she over rode items, that they were not scheduled to penny til 18th. However when went back to to store all items had been removed from floor along with probably another buggy full we left on shelf.
1) What is policy regarding override if app scans differently?
2) Why did she remove from floor, I planned to go back and purchase at 90% and she said wouldn’t penny til 18th. Makes me feel lied to by manager. Not a very good practice just be honest.
The Dollar General in Cameron TX is a disgrace to your company! It is FILTHY! Moving shelving around and not cleaning the floors does not cut it! It’s actually nauseating to go in there.
Our grandchildren like to go there when they come to town. I’m not taking them into that filth. And…they like to spend a lot of my money there. Not happening until y’all clean the nastiness!
Also, if you can’t provide your customers with bags, you evidently don’t need the business. I got home with my $20+ purchase and I will be returning everything. When I got home, I thought, they don’t want people to shop there. Bags are not that expensive! I’ve heard a rumor that a new store is going to be built. Don’t bother….you don’t want people’s business!
I’m needing to speak with someone asap. Not only was your employee rude but she also refused to help me in anyway. I scanned my items in store into the app and then used self checkout to try to checkout and the price difference was ten dollars or more and I knew the problem but she refused to even take a look at it so we can figure it out and claimed to be the only person working. I’m very upset and she also was very instigating and confrontational.
The Dollar General in Newark Delaware is NEVER open. Again today I stop here at 2:35 to another note on their door saying temporarily closed till 5. They say it’s because they can’t find anyone to work but I know several people who told them they were available to work and they turned them down. I would love to know how this company stays in business. If the Dollar General stores in Delaware happened to be open then you have to maneuver around boxes with the products in them while their shelves stay empty. This store is the biggest joke around I don’t even know why I bother anymore. I really hope that someone in their corporate office sees this and send someone to Delaware to fix these stores because they are all a joke!
Why do you put an add out on Christmas things at 50% off this week 3 day and don’t have anything in stores I have checked 4 stores and nothing was even sent to them itssad
Please hire part time people to go in and stock the store on n main st center twp butler pa. The pandemic is not the reason any more to have a store that has packed isles and empty shelves!!! Other stores are stocking!!! The parking lot looks like an ashtray! I have a friend who only wants to stock the shelves not run the register…. Please get the store back the way it was!!!!
What are you doing about the bathrooms that are out of order. 4236. This the way most of your bathrooms are?
Why is the dollar general in Stilwell Oklahoma in such a poor disorderly layout, you have things piled up everywhere it’s like a maze to get around in the store and it’s unsafe, the place is a total disgrace it’s like they don’t care how poor it looks.
The new store location in Fairfax iowa is always a disaster. Today I was there and there was so much crap and basic junk I could not get down the aisles. I always thought the old store in Marengo was the worst and you couldn’t get worse but this brand new store is worse by far. I will say that the creepy guy working the counter hasn’t been there the last two times. I don’t think he could get out of his chair to do anything in the store but the last two times it’s a different guy and he is gross too but at least not leaning and huffing around all over the counter. Never see more than 1 person in the store. You need to clean it up and make it a decent store people don’t feel dirty when they leave.
I’d like information on how to file a formal complaint against a key holder at one of
Your locations in PA
Your corporate office needs to get to Buckley, Michigan. The dollar store there is a disaster. There are 8 carts of merchandise in an isle. There are 4 carts full of merchandise in another isle. Shelves are empty. There was a remodel a few months ago and the shelves have not been stocked since then. I don’t know what is happening there, but people have left the store empty handed several times that I have been there. There are not enough employees to stock and take care of customers. That store and the employees need HELP! This store is becoming a joke in and around Buckley… This is really sad. Please help this store !!!
Calling a fire Marshall to inspect your mason city,il store. EVERY isle except 1 was blocked with carts!
Please don’t go to the Family Dollar – Store #10560. They played a rap song today that said the F Word 4 times and the ****** at least once.
It doesn’t feel safe there.
Why keep building stores when the ones they have look terrible, they are dirty aisles you can’t walk in and sick never put out
Store #525
Darlington SC is the nastiest store.shelves are never stocked and you can even push the shopping cart through the store. The parking lot ha the silver carts with trash and cardboard all over the parking lot. It is a disgrace the way this store looks at all times. It is really really bad and gives dollar general a really bad name.
The Dollar General store in Larned Ks. It needs cleaned up. It’s a mess inside and out.
I am not paying anything to complain. I do not give card out fir charges like thus then next thing you so is take out more . thanks but no thanks. I never thought I would see a dollar general not care.
I don’t understand how somebody can steal from Dollar General even if it’s penny items and they don’t get punished or walked out of the store for stealing other people can bust her ass worked her full self to death and I understand that if you’re over or short you get a ride up it’s supposed to be a verbal warning first but yet a person gets a ride up for five dollars I don’t understand what makes me upset the most coming in a Dollar General on a Sunday and you got a worker blaspheming God which is very upsetting to me and the manager will not do nothing about it how is that possible somebody to walk into a Dollar General should not have to listen to a worker blaspheming God or a manager hauler not a worker in front of a lot of customers sincerely anonymous
DG, #6270, 154 Sacandaga road, Scotia, ny, First complaint, I made 3 separate purchases of P&G Tide laundry detergent, I received 3 coupons, each one, $5 off next purchase. This store have new cash registers and self check out registers each one, will not give me my coupon discount totaling $15. These new cash registers malfunction and this store closed for four days and tonight when the cashier try to enter my $5 coupon, her cash register malfunction.
Second, manager is unfriendly, carts and baskets are filthy and dirty. Floors are cracked and dirty. Employees are nice, but some nights they work alone and one employee can’t about no bathroom breaks. Lots of unpack boxes block store aisles.
Third, I am a loyal customers, I spend $2000 a year in your store and I have stock shares. I AM UPSET YOUR STORE IS POORLY MANAGED AND OFTEN SHORT OF STAFF, I AM CONSIDERING DOING ALL MY SHOPPING AT WALMART. I would like a response from you.
Why are the local stores here not stocked Ridiculous and the people working there have no clue!
The dollar store manager at 15764 Huntsville Brownsferry Road in Athens Ala. has one employees that work double shift everyday and she is not even the manager. She has two young children that she never gets to spend time with because she is always working even when the manager Taylor is suppose to be working somedays she will be either going home early sitting at home or going to meet her husband. She is hardly ever working doubles. So I think something need to be done or y’all fixing to loose a great employee because of it. The poor lady Rosetta works double just about everyday and is a very hard worker. Stuff like this is why no one want to work and more. Manager don’t know how to treat employees right. The managers take advantage of some people.
why does dollar general not practice what they preach ok toppers over head when no one is suppost to reach above there head. rolltanners are set for 1000 lbs but they keep putting over the amount why are they so damn stupid let yall get off your ass and go unload them bet your lazy ass wont do it to damn scared
air cond -not working
2@ james rd. memphis tn / no reciept given due to–no ink?
printer broke ?
no air—terrible conditions 4 man/beast , no reciept ?
due 2 no ink>–printer broken—cal turner is turning in his grave 🙁
I just came from the dollar general store in Bokchito,OK. it is hotter than hell in there. This is bad for your public and hard on your employees. It is 100degrees here today. I know from past information corporate controls store temperatures. Shame on you for making everyone suffer in this store.
I love D G stores and shop there very often, but I’d love to see more DG stores in our NWArkansas area with the market fresh stores, our closet ones are in Westfork , Ar & Highfil, Ar. Thank you a very loyal DG fan!!!
I really don’t understand how you’re company is ok with Stealing 400 dollars from a me. I bought 2 200 gift cards from you’re store on dresses rd and your manager Darnell refused to to reimburse me he tried to keep my receipt that I had for him decided to make me a copy like that was going to be okay didn’t give me my receipt back this is how y’all run your business I’ll go as far as I got to go I will get my $400 back
Hello I was trying to hold off ! But no one is responding 2 my emails! 1 of their stores I had sneaked attacked asked for the phone or will they call the police they told me no! Also my name was defamed their employee said they see myself and the defendant in the store all the time together! We weren’t in the store that day together ? but I would like if yall contact me back I will blow this up way up, and my phone was on my charger in my car I feared 4 my life & car ACCTUALLY
I was an employee at the Valle Vista store in Kingman, AZ and feel I was wrongfully terminated due to mistakes made by management, not by me.
The issue here is on 4/19/2022, scheduled to work at 8:30am, upon clocking in Emily the manager handed me my till, I counted it and it balanced out to $150.00. Upon my shift being over and clocking out at 1:15 Emily did not pull the till nor did Dominique (key carrier) say anything to me about it as I left that day. Over the course of the next 2 weeks my days and hours decreased to one day a week, working 4 hours.
On 5/2/2022, Monday morning I went in to talk to Emily about getting more hours and she told me no that’s not going to happen and wrote me up for the till being short $32.00 on 4/19/2022 telling me her and Dominique counted it 3 times that day. Why did the both of them count my till without me being present, who was on that till after I clocked out and who pulled the till? Management is not supposed to do that and I want to see from the camara that day who did these things. This raised a concern with me because my till has never been short like that the 5 months I was there but by a few cents a couple times. Emily then gave me the choice to resign or be terminated, if terminated I would not be able to come shop at that store and loss prevention could get involved. This sounded like she was accusing me of stealing. I was shocked hearing this. Emily then gave me another chance telling me the next time my till is over or short I will be fired. I worked 5/3/2022 6:15 – 10:15 with assistant manager Johnny and the till was over $11.00 which I really don’t understand how and would like this verified with corporate accounting. Johnny also used my till when I was on break and I didn’t sign off on register, so this could have something to do with it. Well I was fired.
I have spoken to the DM Derek about it but felt like I was not making progress with him. I feel Dominique is behind this trying to set me up to be fired. Please speak to other employees as they have encountered similar behavior and situations from her. This should not be tolerated from an adult employee, uncalled for and I have never worked with people who are out to get one over on another employee.
This needs to be resolved so I can be put back on the schedule. This is no way to treat an employee who works hard and is helpful to the customers. I don’t appreciate being accused of stealing or being late when I had a legitimate and reasonable excuse 2 times. I’m going on 5 months working at DG and I’d like to continue my employment without these issues. I believe management made a mistake, listened to heresay and has no other excuse to fire me but threaten me over a till being short/under that I am sure gets balanced out through corporate.
This is game playing and I don’t appreciate people playing with my life, my job and my finances doing dirty games like this. I worked 1 day with Emily so there’s no reason for her to call me on mistakes she made. I applied 2 years ago with Dollar General and she was the manager then. She told tell me she never got my application more than 2 times and another time told me she wasn’t hiring, yet, I see a new worker the following week. She didn’t want to hire me then and she made sure I was fired now.
I worked hard at getting this job and did everything just to keep it. I filled in when needed at the last minute, I walked 3 miles to work when my car broke down, made sure my tire got fixed when gone flat a couple times, asked employees for rides home even a few customers offered me rides to work. That was a lot for me to do…ask others for help. I made sure my work was competed plus went the extra mile to straighten out stock room, dust and wash store windows just to show my appreciation for being hired and that I wanted to work. It is hard to find work where I am so this job was perfect for me. 7 minutes to work, close to home and hours were just what I wanted. So, I want my job back. I am a 57 year old single female who needs this job and wants this job. It’s hard to seek employment during our economic downfall and would like some respect from DG corporate, the district manager and management. They need to treat their employees fairly, not setting them up for failure or listening to heresay comments made by Dominique. I’ve had no problems with any other employees at this store. I want to see security cameras and they won’t provide it.
Thank you,
Kimberlee Sherman
Cashier sales associate
Every time I go to Dollar General, the prices on the shelf is not what I all charged ! Today I bought 6 cans of gravy train dog food, supposed to he .85, charged 1.15. When I said they were .85, he says, the gravy train ? I said yes. Oh well !!! I get home, the gallon of waters I got said 1.00, haha, charged 1.50 each !!! I am very upset that with this economy, Dollar General wants to add insult to injury !! I will no longer give them my hard earned money !!!
I would like you to know that the Mattawan mi store went above and beyond kindness. I went to the store bought some food items, I used my EBT card to pay. The register said I still owed $3.50 for some reason nothing I bought should have cost me cash. There were cash item’s I needed but now I don’t have enough money to get those items? the cashier bought the items for me. God bless him. I just wanted you to know that he should be made to know he is great employee.
Did you all stop selling your brand of pop because it’s been over a year since I’ve seen any in our store in Golden Valley, Arizona
The DG store in Abbeville, Mississippi, has had its ups and downs through the years, but a couple of years ago the management changed and I believe our store is the most well-run and clean store I’ve ever encountered in all the stores I’ve visited in this area. I don’t even know the name of the manager and her assistants, but I fully feel they deserve recognition for the excellent service they provide in the Abbeville, Mississippi, store. This is written in hopes that they can be commended for putting tremendous effort into running an attractive, well organized shop that makes its customers feel welcome and appreciated.
The cashier didn’t put all my money on my cash app card. Was suppose to be $300 instead she put $200. I’m yet to get my money back or hear anything from anybody on this situation. It put me in a bad bind with my bills for the month. I spend a lot of money at this store but I do think I’m going to not shop there as much anymore cuz I shoulda done received my money back did one two I shoulda done heard from somebody but nope. I just want my money back so I can get my bills fixed I’m on a fixed income to some $100 might not be much but to me it’s a lot and hard to come by these days
Attica Mi Dollar General is a disgrace! Nothing on shelves, inventory is on carts, while employees are lounging in back room! Merchandise is on floor, have to move stuff just to walk through.
Your parking lot at 798 Halifax St., Petersburg, VA has a serious hazard with rebar protruding from broken cement parking blocks. Very concerned someone will trip, fall or be impaled. Numerous people have reported it and nothing is being done. This is not only unacceptable, it is disregarding the safety and well being of your customers.
This is Ms. Kimberlie Wilkins, last 4 numbers of my SS is 9706! I need to have a Separation Letter from the DG Store that I worked at in Mouton Cove store under Amber Robertson, and a copy of my Last pay stub from the company. I would like to have this sent ASAP. to my email (Kim_wilkinxxxxx for my tax purpose. I have tried other ways of contacting Corporate to no avail
Dollar general store in Kennett looks bad trash everywhere and loading carts are skatered…….letter head from EPA
You are an abusive company to your employees!! I will never shop at your store!! What is it with Nashville Tenn and treating your employees like garbage???? Vanderbilt and now you!! Stay out of Tenn!! The backward republican state!!
The Dollar General store in Auburn, GA needs some attention, the floors look like they haven’t been cleaned in months, the clothing area is such a mess, clothes scatter all over the floor.. I use to love shopping at Dollar General but not anymore …. THIS STORE NEEDS SOME SPECIAL ATTENTION NOW!!!!
Why are the bigger stores always short staffed ? When you asked The manager they say it’s because they don’t have enough hours to run the store. The manager are working 80 to 100 hours A week. And when they ask their DM for hours he tells them they at no hours and asks for help stocking he doesn’t have no one to that leaves the manager to have to work the hours just to try to hurt their self to get it done.why is this going on? If the DM don’t want to help the store to make the manager look bad and make them cry . Get read of the Dm.
One of your employees fighting in parking lot with another female Girl weighs about 250 lbs pink hair
Cumming Georgia store #16594 she needs to be terminated this creates hostile environment at store I shop there frequently. Please let me know if she’s gone I will not shop there and gonna tell all my friends. The guy that was there said he tried to break up fight 8pm March 18,2022 My granddaughter witnessed this not me
I live next-door to a Dollar General in Fremont, OH 43420 at the corner of State Street and Prospect. The outside area behind the Dollar General and beside it is littered with trash from your dumpsters and from the stores setting material along the alley. I have went over several times and complained about it. And a response has been until we can get more employees it won’t get cleaned up. This is unacceptable!! The store has signs stating that they are closed at 8 PM due to staffing shortage !!! It is still daylight when it closes and I don’t see why they can’t go out and clean it up before they leave for the night. Me and my neighbors are issuing complaints with the city of Fremont about this problem. We are tired of picking up the trash out of our yard due to not having a large enough dumpster to put all the trash in. We would be greatly appreciate iif you would take this matter into your hands very quickly. Before we go to the next city console meeting. Your cooperation in this would be extremely appreciated. Thank you for putting one on the side of town for us east side shoppers.
I live in Little Rock, AR and recently purchased 13 large plastic containers of Folgers 1/2 and /2 coffee. Due to the recent infestation in West Memphis, AR I need to know if the cans are possibly contaminated.
Friday, Feb 18th 2022, I went to the DG #06120 on Main Street in Columbus, MS. This was the third DG I had been to that day because the other two didn’t have what I needed on the shelves. I walked to the register and noticed the cashier had ear buds on. I said, “Hi,” and she didn’t even speak back to me. What she did say was directed to the person she was talking with on the phone which was in her hand. “I’m at the register now,” she said. She rang up my two items and told me the total. I paid and she put them in the bag, still not saying a word to me. As I grabbed my bag I said, “You can’t even speak to me but you can talk on the phone?” SHE JUST LAUGHED. I probably spend around $250-$300 a month at one of the many DGs in my town. I’ve noticed that there are only two workers at the most on any given day, and the aisles will be full of stock on huge racks that need to be shelved. There will almost always be 6-10 people in line for one register. Very seldom is a second one opened. Some people have one or two items while some have a buggy packed with items. Other times workers have a mad or overworked attitude about them and it’s obvious NONE of them have been trained on what great or even good customer service is about. But this incident of not even greeting me or thanking me while obviously talking to a guy or a friend on her personal phone is just the worse.
Dollar General Store located 9840 Liberty Road Randallstown Maryland 21133 ,the customer service is bad the store is not stocked very well. Will not go to this locate again.
In Octobe or November rOf 2020 we recieved a new store manager who wouldn’t lock employees file. So all the employees files were left unlocked. I soon found Out that every employee knew everything including my grandmothers maiden name was and my social and my age. I soon received a letter from the IRS saying my identity was stolen. Now everything has been stolen from my accounts. I’m pressing charges on dollar general as well as the manager. The ADA is investigating fraud. Trees I believe it was the fault of the manager because she refused to lock the files. My lawyer will be in touch. The store number 17902 in south Fork and the managers name is Cara Yund. She will also get investigated and brought charges against her
The dollar tree address 23 East Highway nine business Loris SC 29569. The manager there at nine Terry has a very nasty attitude to be in charge of a store she don’t have the attitude to deal with the public she has a smart mouth no smiles negative comments and a lot of people is complaining about her .
I was hurt at dollar store march 24i have a case number going for therapy every week no one will contact me are take my calls.could you give me a call.or I will look further
I tripped and fell over a bunch of rolled up carpet that was laying in the aisle way I’m elderly and have severe osteoporosis and I hurt my knee and my hip the worker was standing right beside me when I fell how long will it take for you respond
I tripped and fell over a bunch of rolled up carpet that was laying in the aisle way I’m elderly and have severe osteoporosis and I hurt my knee and my hip the worker was standing right beside me when I fell
The store at
10555 Florida blvd., Walker la 70785
This is the ONLY DOLLAR GENERAL I WILL GO TO!! I love the store I love all the employees they are great they are all friendly help you all the time their employees that are great :Tammy cashiela Brandy Rika Dakota Ashley!!
No complaints. I would like to speak to someone about being a consultant for your company. I worked at Walmart 30 years. In operations , merchandising, store planning and high volume super centers. Was a buyer for the small stores. Bought merchandise to compete with dollar general. I said then this company was the one to watch. I know I could impact your stores. I am an expert in managing inventory and generating profit. I’m not looking for a job just to help you in the future. I know what to do and when to do it. Let me know if you’re interested. My number is+19548298699
I am 83+ year old. Just terminated with DG effective 2/8/19. 22+ years with DG. I loved working at DG. Question: In order for me to get on Medicare Part B, I need a DG employer to fill out the “Request For Employment Information”. I live in Gordo, AL. Please let me know ASAP who I can get to fill out the employer part ASAP where I can meet with social security and not be considered a late enrollee.
I’m trying to get into my account. I was recently hired and needed to fill out some paperwork online so they can do a background check and such. I did it on my phone more than once but it never went though and is now saying my password is invalid.
I had a woman in a store of yours in north zulch by the name of sandra young put her hands on my friends child..she is the manager there and the guy kevin who is over her would not do nothing about it and the girls there who work under her lie for her to cover their own asses…i need to speak to someone who is in charge because this woman is on drugs and lukes to hit children and she murdered my friends first un born child a few weeks ago she was pregnat by a guy who she had a no truspassing charge on there at the store…it has also been said she has been stealing from there also…please someone contact me
I am sending a complaint regarding my local Dollar General store located in Wofford Heights, Ca 93285. This store has 3 cash registers. Most of the time, only one register is open, and the line is way too long. It seems as though this location does not have enough employees. Also, there have been several thefts, and a car window broken. The store has several security cameras inside, but none outside. In my opinion, this particular area has a high theft/crime rate. Having cameras should be a “must”. I also believe that this particular store has under stock on staples. Delivery comes on Tuesday, by Wednesday it’s all gone. Very frustrating. Can you help resolve these issues?
Hello, my name is Jonathon Clark, I am a former employee with Dollar General. On the 12th of November I made a mistake. I returned some items that were not bought, amounting to 105 Dollars. It has been a terribly hard month, I am 20 yrs old with a lovely wife and a 2yr old son, I didnt have a whole lot of hours and about 300 hundred dollars I didnt have for lights and water. I feel terrible for what I did and I regret doing it. I can pay it back I just dont want jail time or at least mess with my other job. Please reply back or call me at 254-485-xxxx. Thank you and have a blessed day!
Dollar General in bovina mississippi closed store with parking lot full of people so they can go to convient store to use the rest room it was 2 African American women didn’t have name tags but time was 5:25pm on 11-2 when I said u can’t do that there to many people here trying go in she said I just did and they locked doors got in car and left. Will never go back
Our grandson was told to fax DG back a form and it will not go back. We have sent a fax before and it now say Disconnected when we try. They unfairly terminated our grandson and he was sent a form a week after a letter was sent and a fax but they will not receive it. We have been disconnected after several calls stating please hang up and try later. We have been hung up on 3 times by a secretary when we tell her what we need. When does it stop.
Pictures. Every isle is full of carts of merchandise. A safety hazard to customers. Many customers upset , I c alot of people just leave the store rather than shop.
“Dollar General manager kicks out a customer” Video
Why do you NOT use your PARKING LOT LIGHTS at your Melbourne Florida Store 4290 Babcock St.? I asked in the store and got no answer back in December 2017. I feel this is a safety issue and you have had time to fix the problem..
store #01230 Moberly,Mo My husband purchased a Randolph Scott dvd that was to have 6 movies in it. Got it home and only had 3. Had receipt and took back next day only to told he could pick out same movie ok no problem except they did not have it after we pulled every movie in store. I know some people try a fast one but I guarantee my 72 year old husband did not. The lady who said she was head honcho said nothing she could do and very cold hearted about it. So $7.95 down the drain. Looks like we are done with your store.
This the 4/5th time I have written to dollar General store Corp offices,trying one more time. The dollar General store i go to is located at 7618 Dayton road ,fairborn ohio. This store is a big joke!!! you can never,never, never get down the isle. you can never find what you are looking for because of back to back carts with stuff to be put on shelfs,WHY!!!,it stays on your web information page that in 2015, the company made 20.37,billion billion, dollars,with that kind of money you should be making sure that there is enough staff in every ,every store to do the work!!!,so very tired of going in the sto r listed in this complain and have to navigate an obstacle course. If you not care about your customers,which it appears you Don t,to me it just shows how greedy you are.make the district managers get out there and do there jobs!!!.tho I know by writing this will not change a thing at this store I am and have found another to shop,and telling everyone i know to stay out of this store!!!!!!!
This seems to be an issue with all the stores I have been in. Wonder how that is ok with the fire department and egress system.
The reason they made $20.37 BILLION in 2015 and is here it is 2022 is because they hire very young kids and don’t pay them what they should. I’ve never seen more than two employees at a time and usually one is a manager who has so much paperwork and deposits that they stay in their office trying to get THAT work done while the entire store and one register is in the hands of ONE young kid who has had no experience much less proper training. On top of that they are suppose to stock shelves. They lure you in with low prices and then don’t pay their workers a decent wage. With all of the BILLIONS they make their workers should be paid higher wages and there should be many more workers for each shift. And I would be willing to bet they don’t pay for them to have health insurance. I am retired, but everywhere I worked in my 20s, 30s and 40s provided all employees with health insurance. I have decided I am NOT SHOPPING WITH THEM ANYMORE. I’d rather pay more somewhere else than give these corporate people who abuse their employees just to make more and more BILLIONS.
The Dollar General store in Beverly, WV is a joke. Use to be very nice with nice employees when Mrs.Donna was there but she quit due to over worked. Anyways. There are never any of the sale items in stock, prices are wrong on the shelf or register. Management and workers don’t care and lie trying to make out that the customers are stupid and can’t read shelves. I know the policy, rings up wrong we get it for the shelf price. Not this store. Never enough employees and Manager is usually with her husband outside. This store isnt very old either. Something needs to be done. You are a huge brick n mortar store and need to take pride in your company. Looks like the Executives of Dollar General don’t even care enough to make changes.
Dear Sirs/Ma’am
Where are my applications?
My name is Pamela Mclaughlin and I am from Waynesboro Ms 39367 I am a faithful dollar general customer and I do coupon. But lately it is truly horrible to coupon in the dollar generals in my area. To use certain pg coupons you have to print them but the dollar general in my area will not take printed coupons. The Dis continued items they will not mark them down when they use to do it before. Most of the workers get the products for themselves. If they know that it’s a coupon for a certain item they will not put it on the shelf until the coupon has expired. It’s beginning to be ridiculous and some of the workers are very rude. If the dollar general stores are gonna have rules tall the stores should have the same rules. Each store has different rules and I can’t understand that.
I hope you open a store in Salem New York. You offer quality products at a fair price, that is something we don’t have now.
Please help stop Dollar General from being built on Apollo Beach Blvd and Fairway!
Here in Apollo Beach we pride ourselves on our support of local businesses and we love being a family friendly, locally focused community. We believe that a Dollar General store moving onto Apollo Beach Blvd could have a negative effect on the local business owners.
Wishing your store does not handle peanut brittle anymore! Miss that product!
Tour McDonald PA store is very dirty, a disorganized mess. I’ve been there when there are no shopping carts to be found, was cashed out by a young lady who had a horrible cold, with all the lovely symptoms evident now I am home from work 4 days later with the same. Love your Hickory PA store but McDonalds needs serious help.
To whom it may concern. SIMSBORO ,LOUISIANA would make an excellent location for a new Dollar General Store . Zip code is 71275..It’s right on I-20 just west of Ruston,La. and Grambling ,La. and 6 miles east of Arcadia,La. all of which have Dollar General Stores located in those towns .The Mayor of Simsboro is Mrs. Sybil Foster.I just built a new Radio Station that is licensed to Simsboro..The population continues to grow with over 2,500 employees at industries in Simsboro ..Excellent school ,very low crime . Please just take a look . Thank You !
The Lovingston Va. Store has box in the isles and bugs with stock in them. My husband is blind in one eye and they have a box with shovels in it in the isle and he run into because it was on his blind side. I have complained about this before it get fixed for about a month then it is back to the same. This is so un called for if a fire was to break up and u was at the back of the store u would die because of the box and bugs in the way. It is so bad two people can not pass each other in the same isle. Something needs to be done!
Thank u
Your store on 49 down from the new NEA hospital in Jonesboro Ar is nasty my sister and I was very very disappointed when we went in there expecially the bathroom!
I love Dollar General, but they need to work on their in-store signs and pricing. Often I cannot tell which item is on sale and which price sign belongs to which product, etc. Still, I love that there is a Dollar General in my small town!