Netflix Headquarters
Netflix Headquarters and Corporate Office.
See the Netflix Corporate Office phone number, address, email and social media contacts, and learn how to file a complaint with Netflix.
Scroll down to find Netflix’s all corporate office contacts, information about the company’s executive team, the Netflix careers page, and other useful resources.
About Netflix.
Entertainment multinational Netflix was founded in California in 1997. Initially, the company’s service offer focused on pay-per-rent DVDs and DVD by mail services. In 2007, ten years after its foundation, Netflix began to offer online streaming and video on demand. In 2013, the company began to develop in-house film and TV series productions with great success.
Netflix underwent a major expansion in 2015, and by 2016 it was available in every country except for China, Syria, North Korea, and Crimea. Data from October 2016 reveal that the company has approximately 3,500 employees and more than 86 million subscribers.
Netflix Corporate Office Contacts.
You can contact Netflix’s headquarters in California by phone, fax, and written mail. Please see below for more details.
Netflix Headquarters Phone Number.
Netflix Headquarters Fax Number.
Phone Line Hours are from Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time).
Netflix Headquarters Address.
Netflix Corporate Office
100 Winchester Cir
Los Gatos, California, 95032.

The site houses around 3500 Employees on 485.000 square feet.
Every floor has a different movie theme, and the top conference room, where CEO Reed Hastings is often found, is nick-named the “Towering Inferno”.
Netflix Executive Team.
This is the full Netflix Executive Team and Board of Directors.
- Reed Hastings, CEO and Founder
- Kelly Bennett, Chief Marketing Officer
- David Wells, Chief Financial Officer
- Jonathan Friedland, Chief Communications Officer
- Tawni Cranz, Chief Talent Officer
- David Hyman, General Counsel
- Neil Hunt, Chief Product Officer
- Greg Peters, International Development Officer
- Ted Sarandos, Chief Content Officer
Netflix Board of Directors:
- Reed Hastings
- Richard Barton
- Timothy Haley
- A. George Battle
- Jay Hoag
- Ann Mather
- Leslie Kilgore
- Anne Sweeney
- Brad Smith
Netflix Careers and Jobs.
If you are interested in working for Netflix, you can visit their Careers site on this page. The Careers page allows you to search jobs by location, job title, and category.
The company also keeps a list of updated job openings on LinkedIn. Visit this page for more details.
How to complain to Netflix.
Contact details vary depending on which country customers are located. In the United States, Customer Service is available from this page.
Customers with complaints related to their account services, problems watching Netflix, or connection issues can also get online help using the Live Chat features available from the Help Page mentioned above. Alternatively, if you are based in the US, call 1-866-579-7172 to be directed to the Customer Support team.
Other Netflix Resources.
Here is a list of additional resources related to Netflix, which includes ways to contact or follow the company on social media, media and investor relations information, etc.
- Netflix Facebook Page
- Corporate Twitter account / Twitter Handle: @netflix
- Netflix on Instagram
- Help / Customer Questions: In the United States, call 1-866-579-7172. Lines are open 24/7 and an approximate waiting time is indicated on their website. Alternatively, check the FAQ Page, where you can also access live chat assistance.
- Netflix Media Center. You can also use the contact form on this page.
- Investor Relations: Please use the contact form listed here. An online investor kit is available from this page.
- Netflix Corporate Website
- Netflix Company Blog
Please share your tips, experiences or Netflix complaints in the comment section below.
To Whom this may concern,
Just need to check with you if the following email I received from Netflix on 06/15/2022 is true of not.
Greetings Mr. Yankai Shi!
We would like to congratulate you as your book “World’s End and the Sea Angle” has been chosen to be part of a list of projects that we at Netflix Inc, would like to produce and be available to stream first part of next year 2023. Production will start Mid September of 2022 and is expected to be finalized by December of the same year.
Netflix is a streaming service that offers a wide variety of award-winning TV shows, movies, anime, documentaries, and more on thousands of internet-connected devices. And we would love for you to be a part of our projects.
We would love to buy your film rights and offer a 2-year contract where we handle distribution, production and filming of your book and we are ready to offer $500,000 and offer 10% of the total budget for the film which is $10,000,000 as an additional payment.
You will be required to handle the contract fees and miscellaneous fees for this project that would amount to $18,000. Please coordinate with your Film Agency who is currently working on your Film Project and who made the submission.
Sergio Ezama
Film Project Director
Your Netflix is a rip off and I’m going to be posting to all my friends on Facebook,and send emails to everyone I know and let them know how much you rip off your customers.i’ll tell them to tell there friends to boycott Netflix’s
The executives at this company suck and all should be fired. They have been too complacent the last few years. Time to bring in some new blood.
The idea of lower cost plans with ads was brought up several years ago and of course Netflix refused to entertain the idea. Finally today, Netflix announced to move forward on the idea. This is an prime example of how slowly Netflix moves to create new revenue streams. Very embarrassing.
If you are considering buying stock in Netflix, don’t. This company is dead money.
Selling expired gift cards in Switzerland. I purchased a card and when I tried to redeem it it sait it was expired. I spent one hour with customer service and they said they could not solve the problem and would research it. Waste of time and money.
Please stop taking money from the tobacco industry if it means showing actors smoking cigarettes. Tobacco KILLS people and many of your watchers are kids!
“Chelsea” Handler – may I suggest we refer to you as a “THE”, not a “he” – you know, the designation with which you were born, or “she” – as you now wish to be called. Your anger with our First Lady is no doubt due to her REAL legitimate beauty, her obvious and gentle female charisma and her lovely feminine manners – non of which you will ever have. You are not only a disgrace to your family, you are a disgrace to yourself and your Creator.
Netflix, stop shoving your liberal views and programming down our throats. Netflix used to mean entertainment. Now it’s all about the lunatic fringe. You can spend so much time searching for something that doesn’t insult your intelligence. And the latest program (attack) on Trump….really! Give it a break.
You never attacked Obama like this. Hey Netflix I have a documentary idea for Obama…the characters would all be played by puppets of course
AOL, you can drop my subscription. I don’t want a penny of my money going to the Obama’s, nor do I want to hear any more of there self serving, and anti American comments.
Regarding Kevin Spacey, just fire him and replace him with another actor for the role of “Underwood” on House of Cards. The show is more than just one actor.
I am leaving this comment to bring attention to the documentary “El Che” about Enersto “Che” Guevara. At the very beginning Paco Taibo says that Che was born on July 14, 1928, his actual birthday is June 14, 1928. I hope this helps.
Netflix sticks their billion dollar nose in politics, I just wanted to watch TV but they smear their liberal views in public, shameful. No top TV shows, not much in really good movies and the such. Need to reset password because they issued a “suspicious sign-in” , big hassle for customers although they never have problems charging my charge card. Too bad netflix can’t service their customers as well as their billing department bills for lousy services.
Get more Charlie Hunnam movies, please! has a lot more on their movie site.
I am so disappointed that someone decided not to renew Longmire for another can you keep us hanging with a final scene of a bar fight!
bring it back please lets close the story lines and dont leave them hanging like they do on soap operas!
I am petitioning Netflix to create adjustable filters to allow us the ability to watch shows and movies by filtering out the mature content. Please show your support and sign this petition:
Netflix told me they do not have a Complaint Department — and do not take calls concerning politics — even though Netflix puts out political statements. Instead of improving their bad selection of movies, and their customer service — Netflix is involved in liberal politics. Netflix supports ISIS entering the USA, so that ISIS can set off bombs and cut our heads off! The Immigration Order is necessary in order to keep our bodies and heads intact. Maybe Netflix is afraid to pull their head out of their ass, because ISIS will cut off their head!
I’m so sick of having to sort through movies in other languages. I set my preferences and it doesn’t matter. What is the point if you still put all the stuff I don’t like in my account. If I say I hate something it shouldn’t keep showing up allow my ratings to help define what I want to watch. I shouldn’t be subject to gay or lesbian movies, foreign movies specially if my preferences state otherwise. FIX THIS ISSUE SOON.
I love my Netflix however i will be cancelling. I don’t want one penny of my money going to a company that would hire and promote the likes of Chelsea Handler. I do appreciate humor and open dialogue between those with different beliefs however she had used her status and show to bully and call our first family names. This is disgraceful however I guess if you have no talent you resort to attacking others. I will be promptly cancelling my subscription.
Chelsea Handler is an arrogant woman who is a disgrace to this company. You will have to chose between her and a good chunk of your customers.
Chelsea Handler needs to apologize to our First Lady. Her comment was inappropriate… won’t have Melania Trump on her show because “she can barely speak English.” If Handler doesn’t have the class to do this on her own, then Netflix should force her to do so. I’ve never watched her show since I don’t find it entertaining.
I think Netflix can do better than Chelsea Handler, whose attack on the First Lady was vulgar and vengeful because her candidate lost. As for me if this is what Netflix promotes then I shall never subscribe to your service.
Please consider dropping the Chelsea Handler show. I take her comments re the First Lady “barely speaking” English in an insulting tone very personal since I am also an American woman, due to being born in a foreign country, Germany in my case, who’s English is not perfect. It is an insult to every foreign born American woman that is striving for a better life and be a contributing citizen of this country.
Netflix don’t take Fixer Upper off your service.
I wrote a screenplay that received excellent reviews from studios in California, but I never followed through with it. I’m now retired and would to explore the possibility of presenting it to Netflix. How would I go about doing this?
I can’t remember what I did before Netflix came along. Went to Blockbusters maybe. With a members card. Seems so long ago..